Welcome, beautiful soul. It’s time to build success in a way that works for you.

Rites of Passage is a 3-Month Sacred Group Container designed to align who you are here to be with what you are here to do so that you can sustainably build a life and business that feel like home.

One where you...
Integrate Magic and Method.

Harmonize Spirituality and Strategy.

Balance Playfulness and Productivity.

You’ve landed in the right place if you’re a Mission Driven, Soul-Led, Heart-Centered Female Entrepreneur deeply desiring to...

Align With

Your Core Values

Do you feel a deep yearning to align your business practices with your core values, fearing that success might come at the cost of your integrity?

Asking yourself: How can I ensure my business reflects my core values?

Find Authentic Growth Strategies

Are you navigating the delicate balance between authentic, sustainable growth and the temptation to compromise your soul-led purpose for rapid expansion?

Asking yourself: What approaches enable my business to expand without losing its soul?

Move From

Hustle to Harmony

Do you crave a deeper sense of purpose, ease, and a vision that goes beyond just doing doing doing, and chasing the next win?

Asking yourself: What are the sustainable ways I can set up my business that supports natural, easeful growth?

Root in

Mission vs. Money

Are you seeking to maintain the integrity of your mission-driven business while also ensuring financial stability?

Asking yourself: What approaches can I take to ensure that my values-driven business remains financially sound and continues to grow?

Redefine YOUR Meaning of Success

Are you seeking to define a path to success that embraces personal satisfaction, impact, spaciousness and freedom as pillars of true achievement?

Asking yourself: What does true success look like for me and my business?

Integrate Intuition with Action

Are you seeking methods to blend your intuition and strategic action, ensuring your business moves are not just effective but deeply rooted in the authentic ecosystem of your business?

Asking yourself: How can I harmoniously blend masculine (DO-ing) and feminine (BE-ing) energies in propelling me forward?

Build Sisterhood Over Competition

Do you long for a sisterhood of like-minded and like-hearted women entrepreneurs where collaboration triumphs over competition?

Asking yourself: How can I foster meaningful connections with like-minded women entrepreneurs?

Shift Setbacks

into Strengths

You long to transform fears and insecurities into strength and confidence, approaching obstacles with resilience and viewing them as opportunities for growth.

Asking yourself: How can I transform my fears and insecurities into strength and confidence as I navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship?

Infuse Work with Creativity

Do you find yourself missing the spark of joy and creativity in your entrepreneurial journey, wondering if the seriousness of business is overshadowing your playful spirit?

Asking yourself: How can I bring more creativity and playfulness into my daily business activities?

You are not alone.

I've been there, done that, and may have a T-shirt somewhere!

If we haven't met yet -

Hi - I'm Emefa Boamah!

My own story starts with an adventurous leap to the United States, where I quickly climbed the corporate ladder in luxury hotels and a boutique Leadership Academy, living what seemed like the dream life among the city's high rises and rubbing shoulders with influential folks.

Then came 2020, and well, everything changed, didn't it? A personal health scare with COVID landed me in the hospital, staring down a path I hadn't planned on taking through a near death experience.

It was more than a wake-up call; it was a plunge into the unknown, an initiation of sorts that made me question everything, especially my non-stop lifestyle that left little room for, well, living.

Recovery was tough and long, with plenty of time to think. Despite the clarity about my purpose to serve women, the bills didn't stop, so back to work I went, until another health scare sent me packing back to Ghana. It was there, in my village, asking my ancestors for a nod to follow this newfound calling, that I felt a resounding 'yes.' It was another initiation, grounding me in my roots and connecting me with mentors and elders who'd guide my next steps.

So, I took the biggest bet of my life: on myself.

I started my business with a mission to share what I'd learned through my own rollercoaster. Watching many women entrepreneurs struggle to balance their passion with life’s demands sparked a question in me:

Why do we often find ourselves on the brink of burning out?

The answer hit me —

We're missing intentional moments, breaks, and rituals in our daily grind.

It feels like we can never catch a break between running our businesses, spending time with our families, friends and loved ones, engaging with our communities, our hobbies, and the list goes on and on..

We have forgotten how to give ourselves to ourselves before giving ourselves to the world.

We are irritable, angry, untethered, feeling disconnected from our bodies, our identities, our truth- disconnected from our VERY TRUTH.

That’s when Rites of Passage was conceived.

It would take a few more years for it to be birthed and shared with you.


A 3-Month Sacred Group Container designed to align who you are here to be with what you are here to do so that you can sustainably build a life and business that feel like home.

One where you can make income while making an impact without sacrificing your wellbeing, your pleasure and your joy.

Why be Guided by Me?

My path to becoming your guide on the journey of healing and embodiment has been a rich one, woven from three distinct threads.

The first is my own personal journey of transformation. Through overcoming challenges and reclaiming my voice, body, and power, I've gained a deep understanding of the profound impact healing can have on our lives.

The second thread is my unwavering dedication to mastering effective tools. My certifications in Transformational Embodiment Coaching, Emotional Freedom Techniques, Breathwork Facilitation, Sound Healing, and Somatic Coaching are testaments to this dedication. Each modality offers a unique piece of the puzzle, allowing me to create a holistic approach tailored specifically to your needs

The third thread is my rich heritage. Deeply rooted in the resilience and wisdom of the Ewe Tribe from Ghana, West Africa, I bring ancestral strength and a modern perspective to our work together

This blend allows me to offer not just practical tools, but also the unwavering spirit of a warrior and the timeless wisdom of a sage.

Imagine a space where the boundaries between the celestial, the genetic, and the human design dissolve. This is where I thrive, a sacred space pulsating with the potential for exploration and growth. Here, I embody the infectious joy of a child at heart, inviting you to join me on a journey of boundless wonder. Through storytelling, open exploration, and relatable insights, we'll create a safe space where you can tap into your inner wisdom and unlock the potential for deep healing.

My approach is a beautiful marriage between the boundless wonder of exploration and the comforting touch of relatability. I believe the power of your story holds immense transformative potential. By embarking on this journey together, we can unlock the magic within you and help you celebrate the journey of life in all its multifaceted wonder.

"I wholeheartedly recommend this ceremony to others and have already done so."

"The experience exceeded my expectations, providing not just healing but also wisdom, support, and love. It was a powerful reminder of the journey I'm on and the healing I seek, and I am eager to participate in more ceremonies to continue this path of self-discovery and growth.”



"Trust her to lead you through the dark night of the soul - she is a brilliant light!"

“Emefa has the uncanny ability to connect and make you feel like you’ve known her for years. Her gentle approach and presence creates a safe space where you feel comfortable sharing and opening up. She actively listens and asks thoughtful questions, which allows for deep reflection and clarity to any situation. She is magical and has been here before!"


Founder & CEO, Leap Forward Consulting

“I owe a debt of gratitude to Emefa Boamah for her exceptional coaching.'

"Her guidance has fundamentally changed me, influencing how I lead and live. Emefa's approach to healing and connecting with my inner child has been central to my journey, making me the woman I am today. For anyone seeking transformative growth, I highly recommend her services.”

- Nikisha Patton Handy

Favor Flow Restorative

Why These Rituals are Missing and the Cost to Women:

Rites of Passage are ceremonial events that mark a person's transition from one stage of life to another.

Historically, cultures around the world have recognized rites of passage as crucial elements in community life, acknowledging the importance of these transitions in an individual's development and integration into society.

These ceremonies often involve rituals, teachings, and experiences designed to strip away the person's former roles and identities, invite them into new challenges and insights, and then reintegrate them into the community with a new status, understanding, and responsibilities.

In the modern world, the significance of these rituals has been overshadowed by a relentless pace of life and a cultural narrative that often devalues feminine qualities.

The absence of these rites and journeys leaves many women feeling disconnected from their inner selves, lacking a clear sense of purpose and belonging.

It contributes to a societal environment where women's leadership, wisdom, and potential are not fully recognized or realized. This disconnection breeds a host of challenges: burnout, diminished self-worth, unresolved traumas, and a profound sense of spiritual emptiness.

Drawing from the inspirational framework of the Heroine's Journey by Maureen Murdock, my approach crafts a unique container that intertwines the essence of this journey with the transformative power of rites of passage.

What this looks like in practice is a meticulously curated container that will lead you through the phases of self-discovery, challenge, and integration, akin to the stages of rites of passage: separation, liminality, and reincorporation.

Before we get into the details, here's how you'll know if Rites of Passage is perfect for you...

☪︎ You are at a crossroads in your life and business and desire to (re)connect with your "why" in a relational way - an embodied way.

☪︎ You have a business or are working on a mission driven project and you are ready to reclaim your essence and integrate your feminine and masculine energies for holistic growth.

☪︎ You're willing to engage deeply with the processes of Separation, Liminality, and Reintegration, embracing each phase of your journey toward self-discovery.

☪︎ You desire a supportive community that nurtures emotional resilience, strategic visioning, and personal and professional integration.

☪︎ You're committed to attending weekly sessions, participating in soulful coaching, and co-working sessions, all designed to foster your growth.

☪︎ You see the value in celebrating your initiation into a new chapter of life and business with a community that understands and supports your journey

Now let's get into the magic!

Here's how we will do this together:

Embracing the Call to Adventure

We will begin by stepping away from societal expectations and outdated self-beliefs. Through soulful coaching, you'll explore and release limiting beliefs and embrace practices that nurture your spirit and align your work with your soul.

This phase sets the foundation for your transformative journey, grounding you in practices of nervous system regulation, calibration, and expansion.

You will develop personal reflection rituals and embody daily practices, establishing a foundation for continuous personal growth and self-discovery.

Embracing the Inbetween

This is the time of our journey where you’ll be invited to face and navigate challenges both within and without. This phase is about deepening your connection to your inner wisdom and the divine feminine through embodiment practices and sacred strategy.

You will create a set of strategies and practices for managing emotional turbulence encountered in the liminal phase, including techniques for self-soothing, processing emotions constructively, and seeking support when needed.

Emergence & Embodiment

Emerging from your journey transformed, this phase focuses on integrating your newfound insights into your business and life. This session will be tailored to support you in navigating the emotional and spiritual challenges of the liminal space. We continue to unravel deeper layers of limiting beliefs and reinforce embodiment practices to support your journey through these uncertain but fertile phases, you evolve, so too must your business.

We end with a ceremonial initiation to welcome the new version of you, ready to integrate all the lessons.

Each month will include:

Week 1: Coaching for Inner Harmony
This session is designed to support you through coaching sessions designed to support you in working through limiting beliefs and build sustainable practices grounded in embodiment practices, nervous system regulation, calibration, and expansion.

Week 2: Business Systems Alignment
Here, we will dive deep into aligning your business practices with the cry of your soul - your why. Our focus will be on harmonizing your business systems, practices, and goals with your core values and spiritual path. Think of this as getting to the structures that support you in finding the freedom to answer when intuition calls.
Week 3: Implementation through Co-Working
This is when you will have a dedicated time to work with others, get real time feedback, and check off some items on your to-do list that have been giving you the side eye for... weeks? months? years? No shame here - we’ll get through it together.

Week 4: Integration and Rejuvenation
Your rest is sacred. During these weeks, we will dedicate time to rest, reflect, and integrate the sacred practices into your businesses and lives, fostering deep integration and rejuvenation. An essential part of this program is to give you spaciousness to breathe, integrate and embody the learnings.

What you will learn:

Align Your Business with Your Body's Wisdom

You’ll sync your inner truth with your outer world by understanding the importance of nervous system regulation and somatic practices. This will support you in creating a sustainable and thriving business that aligns with your deepest desires. You’ll bridge the gap between who you are and what you do, guiding you toward a life that resonates with your core values and brings fulfillment on all fronts.
Integrate Ancient Wisdom and Grow Your Impact
In our modern rush, the transformative power of rites of passage often gets lost. This program revives these ancient rituals, adapting them for contemporary life to support you through significant transitions. It's a reminder that every phase of your life deserves recognition and celebration.
Infuse Joy and Playfulness into Your Life and Work
Forget the notion that growth has to be tough. Here, we embrace the journey with joy, creativity, and ease. Through playful and embodied practices, transformation becomes not just meaningful but enjoyable. You recognize that for true growth to occur, your nervous system and all your parts need to feel safe with the expansion, ensuring that you're in full capacity to receive and embrace joy.

You will also access...

Guided Reflection and Mentorship

Many rites of passage are guided by mentors or elders who provide wisdom, support, and reflection. This guidance helps individuals to process their experiences, learn from them, and apply these lessons to their lives, facilitating ongoing growth and development.

During our sessions, you will receive channeled business guidance, energetic and nervous system calibration and expansion.

The Power of Community

This isn't a solo expedition. We will be connecting with others who share your path. Together, we will all co-create a nurturing and empowering space where wisdom, challenges, and victories are shared. It is all too common to be in these spaces and get lost or overwhelmed with check-ins.

Here, you are welcome to come as you are and show up as you are within a tribe that honors that, collectively. This sense of being part of something larger than oneself fosters a sense of security and belonging.

Practical Support for Sustainable Growth

Let’s face it - if you are part of this container, then like me, you love having tangible tools to help you grow your business. You also probably take a lot of notes and don’t get time to implement them. That is what the co-working sessions are for.

You will have a dedicated time to work with others, get real time feedback, and check off some items on your to-do list that have been giving you the side-eye for... weeks? months? years? No shame here - we’ll get through it together.

So, let's recap !

Here's everything you'll receive...

Let's Recap.

Here's what you receive inside Rites of Passage:

✔︎ Weekly 90 minute sacred sessions dedicated to various aspects of Personal & Business Growth

A customized welcome gift to support you in ritualizing our sessions

($200 value)

3 Coaching Sessions - focused on inner harmony, dismantling of limiting beliefs and hot seat style
($1,800 value)

3 Business Sessions - deep dives into aligning business systems with your spiritual and core values.
($1,800 value)

3 Co-Working Session - for implementing your strategy with community support

($1,800 value)

Initiations for Opening Ceremony and Graduation ceremony - 2 hours Each

($1,500 value)

9 Sessions Total

$7,000 VALUE

✔︎ Access to All Recorded Sessions ($1,000 Value)

While every session will be recorded to ensure you don’t miss out on any part of our journey, this program is a powerful declaration of self-priority. It is an opportunity for us to say, "I am more important than everything in my life," committing to carve out this sacred time for ourselves.

✔︎ Monthly Celebrations and Strategy Check-Ins ($1,500 Value)

We will come together to celebrate our achievements, set new goals, and check in on our strategies, ensuring our continuous growth and alignment with our soul’s purpose.

✔︎ Monthly Celebrations and Strategy Check-Ins ($1,500 Value)

A sacred space for us to deepen our interpersonal connections, share co-working opportunities, and receive coaching directly from me. This platform will also host invitations to connect more deeply, fostering a supportive community where our magic amplifies together.

9 Sessions Total

$7,000 VALUE

✔︎ Access to All

Recorded Sessions

While every session will be recorded to ensure you don’t miss out on any part of our journey, this program is a powerful declaration of self-priority. It is an opportunity for us to say, "I am more important than everything in my life," committing to carve out this sacred time for ourselves.

$1,000 VALUE

✔︎ Monthly Celebrations and Strategy Check-Ins

We will come together to celebrate our achievements, set new goals, and check in on our strategies, ensuring our continuous growth and alignment with our soul’s purpose.

$1,500 VALUE

✔︎ Private

Community Space

A sacred space for us to deepen our interpersonal connections, share co-working opportunities, and receive coaching directly from me. This platform will also host invitations to connect more deeply, fostering a supportive community where our magic amplifies together.

$2,000 VALUE

✔︎ Partner Pair Up

For those who opt-in, pairing up with a partner offers a deeper connection and accountability, enhancing our transformation journey through shared experiences and support


✔︎ 20% Off Personalized Coaching Sessions

I will be offering a limited number of 1:1 coaching sessions within the program available for 20% off for the times that you'd like a more intimate support. These sessions will be tailored to your needs.

$555 VALUE

✔︎ Extended Access to Program Material

You will have an extra three-month access to a carefully curated collection of resources, including future self-visualization exercises, breathwork sessions, workbooks, and more. Each tool is designed to enhance your leadership journey, tailored to support your unique path towards integration and empowerment.

$3,000 VALUE


Your Investment



or 6 payments of $450


Register by 11:59 PM on June 16th & receive a half day PRIVATE 1-1 immersion with me!

($1,000 value)

I'm extending a special invitation to the first 2 people who decide to join me BEFORE 11:59 PM on Saturday, June 16th. I'll welcome you with an extraordinary gift—a Half-Day Online Immersion.

Imagine this - a luxurious virtual retreat where you and I will connect one-on-one, setting the stage for the incredible journey that lies ahead.

We will craft this session exclusively for you, ensuring it meets your unique needs at this pivotal moment in your life. Whether you're in search of deep healing, wish to recalibrate your energy and nervous system, seek channeled guidance, require strategic insights, or need personalized coaching, I promise a session that encompasses precisely what you need.

This is your moment to embrace a transformative experience designed specifically for your personal growth and purpose work.

Your Investment



or 6 payments of $650 $450

Pay in full before July 26, and receive a PRIVATE 90-minute Healing and Strategic Planning session with Emefa for FREE ($555 value)


Register by 11:59 PM on June 16th & receive a half day PRIVATE 1-1 immersion with me!

($1,000 value)

I'm extending a special invitation to the first 2 people who decide to join me BEFORE 11:59 PM on Saturday, June 16th. I'll welcome you with an extraordinary gift—a Half-Day Online Immersion.

Imagine this - a luxurious virtual retreat where you and I will connect one-on-one, setting the stage for the incredible journey that lies ahead.

We will craft this session exclusively for you, ensuring it meets your unique needs at this pivotal moment in your life. Whether you're in search of deep healing, wish to recalibrate your energy and nervous system, seek channeled guidance, require strategic insights, or need personalized coaching, I promise a session that encompasses precisely what you need.

This is your moment to embrace a transformative experience designed specifically for your personal growth and purpose work.

"The support and guidance I received from the coaching were truly invaluable and life-changing."

"Before starting the coaching journey, I was feeling lost and overwhelmed, unsure of how to navigate my entrepreneurial aspirations and the cultural expectations surrounding the idea of having a calling. Emefa, my coach, played a crucial role in helping me make sense of it all. Having someone to talk to openly about my fears and uncertainties was incredibly comforting. Emefa created a safe and non-judgmental space for me to explore my thoughts and feelings, allowing me to gain a deeper understanding of myself and my true passions. I began to realize that a calling can come in various forms and doesn't necessarily have to follow traditional paths."

- Phindile Sithole

GLOW Participant.


What happens once I apply?

You’ll receive a confirmation email and and the opportunity for both of us to chat about the program, explore if it’s a great fit for you. If we are a good match, then you will be able to make payments. Once you make payment your place is confirmed. You will immediately receive calendar invites for the mastermind calls and access to books. your 1:1 calls as well as any bonuses. Closer to the commencement you will be sent a welcome pack containing a program handbook, slack access, and other onboarding surprises in preparation for our opening call.

How is the program delivered?

Sessions are held online, allowing you to join from anywhere. Details on accessing the sessions will be provided upon enrollment.

What is the weekly time commitment?

You should allocate approximately 90 minutes per week for the live sessions, with additional time for personal reflection, exercises, and community engagement as per individual capacity. This ensures a balanced approach to transformation without overwhelming daily schedules.

Do you offer payment plans?

Yes, we offer flexible payment plans to make the program accessible to if you feel called to join us. There is a six month payment plan, but if you need something else, fell welcome to reach out to me.

What are the dates and times?

Start Date: Wednesday June 5, 2024 End Date: Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Call Times: 12pm EST - 1:30pm EST weekly.

What if I live in a different time zone or miss a live session?

We strive to accommodate participants from all time zones. Sessions are recorded, allowing you to engage with the material at a time that suits your schedule.

How will I interact with other participants?

Community engagement is central to our journey. Participants will connect through live sessions, dedicated online forums, and group co-working spaces. This supportive network offers a space for sharing experiences, insights, and encouragement, fostering a sense of belonging and mutual growth.

A Final Love Note:

I'm all about honesty and openness, rather than pushing anyone into a decision.

As you ponder whether Rites of Passage: Initiations for the Visionary Woman resonates with you, it's important to share a few key details:

This is the inaugural offering of Rites of Passage at this price, and it's a one-time opportunity. The program's design, based on the profound stages of the "Heroine's Journey," is meant to support deep, transformative growth in a compact 3-month format. This unique structure provides a concentrated journey back to your essence, unlike anything else currently available.

Additionally, the intimate nature of our journey together means that space is very much limited. It's crucial for us to maintain a close, supportive environment where each participant can receive personalized attention and where deep connections can flourish. Given the transformative potential of this program and the finite number of spots, I anticipate them filling up quickly.

If you feel called to this journey, I encourage you to reach out with any inquiries or to reserve your spot in this one-of-a-kind transformative experience.

Join us RISK FREE!

If you're not satisfied after fourteen days, just email me at [email protected]

Copyright. Emefa Boamah Embodiment Coaching 2024. All Right Reserved.

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